Wednesday 13 November 2013

Experimenting with styles

I have been experimenting with different styles of colour schemes and typograpghy for my Nottingham loves design project. I started completing different design within one document so that I could easily compare them against each other and as a result easily see what works well what necessarily doesn't.

I started designing with the idea of simplicity in mind consequently I used minimal colours or at least colours that complimented each other. I feel this is the best approach to take when designing for the audience the brief specifies. The typography is also very simple and easy to read. However I feel that a lot more time than I anticipate would have to be put into the background of the final design so that it doesn't not clash with the typograpghy or colours. though this is a very simple part of the design it is also one of the most important.

I will continue to build on these designs creating a good layout appropriate colour scheme for the other features of the final design. 

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