Tuesday 8 May 2012

My introduction to organic 3D modeling

After experimenting with and building some simple objects in 3DS Max like a Chair, Table, a tv screen etc, I began to become quite efficient so i decided to play around with something simple.

I began modelling a hand (without a texture) to see if I could get the contours of the polygons right even when modelling with thousands of them. After creating the basic shape I quickly realised that getting the proportions of the hand right was very difficult, for example have the joints in the right place, the right length fingers etc. I tried many different shapes and settled on a "creepy" looking hand that would maybe seen on a Tim Burton style of character.
Below is the finished model. As you can see, there is a grater amount of polygons in an organic model rather than a solid object.

For a first attempt at modelling such an object I am very happy with he result, however there is alot of room for improvement. I believe using reference points to create a model from may prove useful as I would be able to get the position of the joints and knuckles in the right position, as well has other contours on the palm.

I will make another model like this toward the end of my time at Linneys to  gauge how much  improve over a period of time.

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