Saturday, 26 May 2012

INSANE Rock Festival 2012 - Warm up

Every year I organise a music festival at teh Black Market venue inw arsop alongside an american guitarist called Lord Bishop and the managment company Panorama Music. The festival is now in its 3rd year so this year we decided to have a 2 day warm up gig in preparation for the full 3 day festival in september.

The warm up was a massive success and featured bands from across the UK and Europe, bands came from as far as New York and Austria to play at the festival as well as some local bands.

The promotion of the festival had to look as proffesional as possible in order to compete with the bigger music venues around the area that had the funds and time to do much bigger promotional campaigns.

Below is a copy of the poster/flyers that were printed and distibuted around the manfield area.

Organising this years festival is proving very hard work as the september show is looking to be the biggest INSANE Festival yet with over 30 bands from around the world playing over a 3 day period. we learnt alot in preporation for september show by organising the warm up, plans for promotion, backline setup and booking are all in place well in advance.

Below are some photos from the warm up show

Tret Yersen
 Badland Bandits
 Lord Bishop
 Cecil Drackett
 BB Blackdog
 The Pulpits
 Rising Sense
Axel Boldt 
 I even got up on stage with Lord Bishop to play a few songs

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