Thursday 3 May 2012

Beginnings of a project

After observing the multimedia team at Linneys for a few days now i have seen many 3D versions of sales dislays, some for shops and some designes of kitchen and livingrooms. I have been told by the designers that building a 3d Version of a kitchen is much cheaper that building a physical room that could cost many thousands.

Afrer looking at various designs i have desided that i will have a go at designed my own space. whether it be a kitchen/office/bedroom etc.

I began experimenting with 3ds Max to create various props to be incorporated into the scene such as; chauirs, glasses, pencils, tabels etc.

Below are examples of a couple of 3D Models i created.

These are just some simple models, but still took a few hours to create as i wanted them to look right. Over teh next few weeks i plan to become more efficiant when modelling so that i can create a whole scene whists i am working at Linneys

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