Monday, 30 April 2012

Today I started my first day of work experiance at Linney Design, I went there knowing I would be working alongside the best in there field ; watching them work on projects was facinating.
I began the day going around the office looking at what different people were working on, it was interesting to see a campaign all come together in one place. for example, see something created by the graphic designers, then animated by the multimedia team, and then put on a website by the web team. The company has been working with the Royal Mail to create training videos and ad campaingns, today i have seen people work on editing the videos and animating graphics for the videos, creating the both the front end design and back end design for the websites as well has desigtnes mocking up 3d versions of raoyal mail exibition stalls.
 I Also spent time with a designer that was working on animations for use in Yamaha motorbike advertisements, for example a model of a particular bike within an environment for use in a video that would be showing in a Yamaha dealership. (fortunately I was there when the designer first received the breif so was able to brain storm initial ideas with him) Ii look forward for to seeing this project develop before the deadline (which is 3 days away)
Today I received my first peice of work to do for Linneys, the job was to photoshop a motorbike into and environment so that it looks like the picture was actually taken at the location. Below are the 2 images I had to merge.

Below is the finished image I created. To create this image there are certain steps I had to, however different techniques may be used (however this often varies between person to person). I first cut the bike out of the first image and then copied it over to the landscape and matched the exposure and colour correction of both layers. I also had to figure out where the light source was in the image so that I could create a realistic looking shadow which was in the right place. Photoshop's new "Content Aware" feature was used also to create more mountains and water towards the left of the image so that is was not a standard A4 size. For extra detail I added some clouds to the scene and an orange glow from over the mountains to give the image some warmth. 

For my first attempt at a project like this i believe it is a good effort, however there is room for vast improvement. I hope to massively improve my eye for design faults and more more details during my time at Linneys. Below is an example of work that i was trying to replicate, as you can see it is of very high quality and very realistic. It is my aim to be able to create images like this towards the end of my time at Linney Design.

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